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13 Really Weird Cat Breeds: Is Your Cat One?

When it comes to cats, we often think that cuter is better. However, cats have so many wonderful characteristics that are way more important than cuteness so weird cat breeds can often produce perfect pets.

Their boldness, sass, independence, and often affectionate personalities are some of their many shining traits.

According to The International Cat Association, there are 71 standardized cat breeds. As long as you know how to care for your cat, each and every one of these breeds can be a wonderful addition to your life.

Some of them, luckily for us, are particularly weird and wonderful. Keep reading to find out all about the strangest of our furry feline friends.


1. Lykoi Cat

Kitten Lykoi cat, 3 months old, also called the Werewolf cat against white background
PC: lifeonwhite/depositphotos

This interesting feline bears a strong resemblance to the popular imagery of a werewolf. With shorter and lighter fur around their mouth, nose, and eyes, an interesting design is made that accentuates their features in a werewolf-like way.

The scraggly salt and pepper fur of the Lykoi cat adds to the idea of a little beasty. Their name was derived from the Greek word for wolves, which strengthens their claim to werewolf status.

However, the Lykoi cat shares only physical resemblances to this famed mythical creature. These cats have lovely temperaments and are generally playful, affectionate, and loyal. So they make wonderful, striking pets.

Another interesting fact about the Lykois cat is that they sometimes lose all of their fur, resulting in them looking like a Sphynx cat. However, they grow the fur back. Or at least, most of it!

Though their occasional lack of fur and bald spots on their face appear to be similar to the Sphynx, they do not have the Sphynx/Devon Rex gene. Instead, they are related to the Domestic Shorthair cat.

When originally discovered, in 2011, there was concern that the strange coats of the Lykoi cats were the result of a medical condition. But they were found to be completely healthy, and their fur simply the result of a genetic mutation. It’s a mutation that we’re thankful for because these cats are strange and one of the loveliest weird cat breeds.

2. Munchkin Cats

PC: ots-photos/depositphotos

The Munchkin cat is everyone’s favorite cutie. With teeny tiny short little legs and normal-sized bodies, these diverse cats are absolutely adorable.

The munchkin’s dog counterpart is undoubtedly the sausage dog, as they share the short-legged trait. This is why these little felines are also called the “sausage cat”.

Considered the original dwarf cat, the Munchkin cat breed is not exclusive and can be linked to a number of other breeds. For example, you can find a Scottish fold munchkin cat or even a Maine coon munchkin cat. It’s all about that short-legged gene mutation.

There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding these sweet looking felines, as there is concern over potential health and mobility issues. They were not considered an official breed for many years and were not allowed to take part in feline competitions.

Even today, there are a number of councils and associations that do not recognize the Munchkin cat breed.

However, most sources say that the shortness of their legs does not affect the Munchkin’s running and leaping abilities. Also, they are not generally found to have more joint or bone problems than other cat breeds. So, if you are passionate about their little legs, your ethics needn’t be compromised.

The personalities of Munchkin cats are generally sweet, outgoing, and intelligent. They also respond well to being handled, which is lovely, as you’ll undoubtedly want to hold these cuties all day long.

3. Peterbald Cats

Seregraf peterbald
PC: seregraf/depositphotos

The Peterbald cat is a strange little fellow. With hairless, grey-silver skin, a slanted face, and large pointy ears, this Russian cat breed has certainly earned its place on this list.

Created from experimental breeding, this cat first popped its head out in 1994, at St. Petersburg. Which is why it’s named Peterbald (I’m sure you can guess where the bald part comes from).

Originally a cross between a hairless Donskoy and an Oriental Shorthair, these cats quickly grew in popularity in their home country.

Since Peterbald cats don’t have any fur to keep them warm, they need to be kept indoors during the cooler seasons, as they might otherwise get too chilly.

They require a little bit more cat care than other breeds because they need to be bathed weekly in order to keep their coats from getting oily and attracting dirt.

These cats have wonderfully affectionate personalities and are often found shadowing their loved ones. Peterbald cats love attention and are very active cats in general, as well as being very loyal and loving. Their personalities are regularly likened to that of canines.

So if you haven’t decided whether you’re more of a cat or a dog person, the Peterbald is a great choice of cat companion and it is unlikely that you’ll find many other examples of this weird cat breed in your neighborhood!

4. Scottish Fold Cats

scottish fold
PC: irisphoto11/depositphotos

These round cats have little folded ears that take them from very cute, to extremely adorable. They look like teddy bears with a weird little twist. They’re also often likened to an owl, as they have big eyes and circular faces.

These medium-sized cats have gentle, sweet temperaments and are not very active. So Scottish Fold Cats make great indoor house cats for those who don’t have plenty of space or an inclination to play and keep busy.

Like the Munchkin cat, there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding this cat breed. They have a gene mutation that affects their cartilage, which is why their ears are folded so cutely. But it can sometimes have other unfortunate effects on the cat’s health, particularly affecting their joints and movement.

For this reason, you should only get a Scottish Fold cat if you’re prepared to take care of it properly. They are easy to groom, so they aren’t high maintenance. And their loving, social personalities make them a great addition to any family.

5. Selkirk Rex Cats

lifeonwhite selkirk rex
PC: lifeonwhite/depositphotos

The Selkirk Rex is a curly-haired cat that boggles the brain. Curls on a cat? Who would have thought.

There are actually a number of curly-haired cat breeds, but they are very rare. They all fall into the Rex category, so if you spot a breed with Rex at the end of its name, you can count on it being a curly-haired wonder.

Selkirk Rex kittens are born with the curly gene, often even having ringlets in their whiskers. It’s quite a sight, seeing a tiny little creature with such a bold coat.

And as they grow up, their soft, plush coat becomes more and more like a stuffed-teddy and will have everyone wanting to touch and snuggle it. Just be sure to choose the right cat brush for the Selkirk Rex cat coats!

Differentiated from its elfish Rex counterparts by its round face and stockiness, this breed does share quite a few characteristics with the other Rex’s. They are lively, friendly, and energetic.

Because of these animated traits, these felines need quite a bit of attention, though they are generally not pushy. They like to sit on their savvy servant’s lap and chat in a quiet voice. They also get along very well with other pets and children, so they are a lovely addition to any household.

6. Maine Coon Cats

maine coon
PC: minervastock/depositphotos

The Maine Coon cat, named after their native state of Maine, is the largest breed of domesticated cats. From their nose to their tail, they are, on average, an impressive 1m long.

But don’t let their hefty size fool you, Maine Coon cats are very sweet and adaptable to any environment. They will play with every family member, not just their parents. A good cat toy can go a long way for their fun and yours.

They are one of the oldest natural cat breeds in North America and therefore have a long and interesting history. Though they were originally outdoor cats, they were brought inside to become working breeds, keeping barns and homes free of rodents.

When considering their history and size, it should come as no surprise that Maine Coone cats need a decent amount of exercise. They have a tendency to become soft or overweight if they do not have adequate space and playtime.

So if you’re thinking of getting this gorgeous cat, consider your space and personal energy. Or at least, find a good indoor cat tree to keep them busy.

7. Oriental Longhair Cats

oriental long hair

This interesting, elegant feline is closely related to the Oriental Shorthair cat, but it has a long, silky, healthy coat. Which suits its long, tubular body particularly well. You can find this breed of cat in an impressive range of coat colors, ranging from self-colored to tortoiseshell and even to shaded.

Their faces are similar to their close relative, the Siamese cat. But their almond-shaped-eyes and thinner faces make them quite odd-looking, which is why they feature on this list of little weirdos.

The Oriental Longhair cat is an intelligent, curious breed. They are very talkative and like quite a lot of attention. You’ll likely find that they’ll be trailing you wherever you go in the house, so be prepared to be loved.

They also suit children and other animals well, if they are introduced to them nicely. They like their space to be respected, which is a classic cat trait, but they are very playful and fun-loving. They also learn well, so they’re a particularly trainable cat breed.

8. Devon Rex

devon rex FotoJagodka
PC: FotoJagodka/DepositPhotos

The mischievous Devon Rex cat, also known as the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal feline breed. They make the ideal companions and welcome family and friends’ attention, as well as being great with kids and other pets.

This cat breed emerged in England during the late 1950s and is similar to the nearby Cornish Rex cat breed.

These felines are intelligent, active, and require regular stimulation. Devon Rex cats are jumpers, and their favorite place is at head level, so perches and cat trees should be provided.

The moderately active cat enjoys learning and playing fetch, so interactive toys will also help keep him occupied while you’re out earning money.

This indoor cat breed has slender bodies with long legs, large eyes, and high cheekbones. They shouldn’t be brushed as their fur is prone to breakage; instead, rub the Devon Rex cat gently with a cloth to keep them well-groomed, weekly.

9. Cornish Rex Cat Breed

cornish rex FotoJagodka
PC: Fotojagodka/DepositPhotos

The Cornish Rex cat has a head shaped liked a triangle. As a result, its eyes and ears are prominent and large. The eyes of the Cornish Rex cat tend to be golden in colour although that can vary.

The Cornish Rex cat breed has no hair apart from some down. Their coat is very fine and can sometimes get a bit of a curl. The lack of fur can emphasise those big eyes and ears even more.

This cat breed is often compared to greyhound dogs due to their sleek appearance and they like a long, lolling run. This is a very adventurous breed that loves to explore and will keep its playful demeanor long after its kitten days are finished.

10. American Wirehair Cat

slowmotiongli american wire hair
PC: slowmotiongli/depositphotos

Another rare breed of domestic cat, the American Wirehair cat is characterized by its unique coat of springy, crimped hairs.

Wirehair cats are stocky and strong, with a calm but sociable personality. They love playtime but aren’t very talkative. They also bond with every member of the household, making them an easy part of the family. American wirehair cats love to spend time soaking up the sun.

All Wirehairs can be traced back to a spontaneous mutation that occurred in 1966. That’s why they’re such a rare breed – their unusual coat simply can’t be replicated.

11. Tonkinese Cat Breed

Tonkinese cat
PC: averyanova/depositphotos

This playful kitty maintains its playful instincts all of its life. They love to run, play fetch, answer the door, and more. Tonkinese cats are very social and much prefer company to being alone.

The Tonkinese breed is believed to have been brought to the UK in the early 1800s and called Chocolate Siamese. In the USA, the Tonkinese breed was developed from the Siamese and Burmese breeds to provide a more moderate breed and to have aqua eyes.

This breed was developed in the 1960s and 1970s. These medium-sized cats can be quite strong and have short, silky hair.

12. Eyptian Mau

slowmotiongli egyptian mau
PC: slowmotiongli/depositphotos

A rare breed with a beautifully spotted coat, the Egyptian Mau cat is a historic breed. It has a medium-sized but muscular build, with longer hind legs. They are the fastest domestic cat breed in the world!

Egyptian Mau cats prefer heat and are quite sensitive to temperature. So if you live somewhere very cold, keep this in mind.

With a balanced temperament and a preference for activity, it’s best to have a large garden for your Mau cat. They’re very loyal and cheerful, and love snuggles. Smart enough to turn on the faucet, Egyptian Mau cats also love playing with water.

13. Savannah Cats

PC: lindasj2/depositphotos

This exquisite feline is the most expensive domestic cat in the world. The Savannah cat is a hybrid of the African Serval cat and the domestic Persian. Their stunning coats are marked with black spots, and their ears are tall and pointed.

Savannahs are so costly due to their breeding. It takes luck – and often a number of years – to mate a serval and a domesticated cat.

They bond with only a few people and are known to be very loyal. They’re very inquisitive and have an impressive ability to jump – even onto fridges and high walls. They have quite a strong hunting instinct, so if you keep birds or fish, your Savannah cat will likely eye them daily.

Because of this hunting instinct, it’s important to look at your country and city’s ownership laws before you decide to invest in this feline. Some areas have restrictive laws because these large cats can threaten native species.

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