Why Is My Cat Breathing Heavily? 

The Discerning Cat

We often see dogs panting and don’t assume that it is a cause for concern. However, cats don’t tend to pant often.

The Discerning Cat

So what does it mean when they do? And is there anything you can do to calm your cat down when it happens?

The Discerning Cat

They are excited

This is because they are learning to regulate their behaviour so may over exert themselves with excitement and then need to pant to calm down.

They’re hot

Outdoor cats in particular can use panting to cool down if it is hot outside.

Stress or Anxiety

Cats can pant when they visit the vet. This could be because they associate the vet with pain or because the way they have gotten to the vet is stressful.

Breathing Issues

They may have respiratory issues such as cat asthma or some form of bronchitis.


Heartworm in cats can cause panting and other breathing issues. This is a disease that is more associated with dogs than cats but cats can still develop the illness.


Some cat breeds are known to pant more often than others. Long-haired breeds are the most likely to pant particularly Persians (narrow nostrils), Maine Coons, and Himalayans.

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