Why Does My Cat Try to Bury Her Food? 

The Discerning Cat

Wait, isn’t it dogs that bury their food? As it turns out, canines aren’t the only ones with ancient instincts that compel them to cover up their coveted cuisine.

The Discerning Cat

Cats can have a tendency to do this as well — perhaps you’ve even caught them in the act and wondered what they were doing it for.

The Discerning Cat

From fussy eaters to instinct-driven exercises in stealth, there are plenty of reasons for your cat to want to bury their food.

Why Does My Cat Try to Bury Her Food?

Who doesn’t love leftovers? Clearly, your cat does too! They might take some of the food out of their bowl and bury it somewhere for safekeeping so they can return later for a snack when they get peckish.

They’re Saving Some for Later

This was to cover up any trace of their presence so that potential enemies couldn’t track them from their food remnants.

They’re Hiding the Evidence

Cats are notoriously clean creatures. They spend so much of their time grooming themselves that it can’t come as a shock. But they extend this cleanliness into their “dens”, and, therefore, your home.

They’re Keeping Things Tidy

In the wild, big cats bury their hard-won meat to preserve its freshness, much like our ancestors would dig out caches in the permafrost to store food for longer.

They’re Preserving Their Meal

Pawing at their food is a half-hearted attempt at burying it. Not all cats have access to a garden or are let outside on the regular, so they have other ways of satisfying those primordial yearnings.

Why Does My Cat Paw At Their Food?

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