Can Cats Be Autistic?

When their cats start showing these symptoms, the immediate thought can be, “is my cat autistic?”

No study has found any proof that cats can be autistic. However, some of their behaviors can mimic the common signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

This guide will cover what autism is, how cat behavior can mimic autistic symptoms, and what mental illnesses cats can have.

In layman’s terms, Autism Spectrum Disorder is a condition that affects the social and communication skills of the person who has it. There are also deficits in recognizing and understanding their own emotions and the emotions of others.

What Is Autism?

It is categorized by different signs and symptoms that vary from person to person. There’s a base list of typical symptoms to look out for, but they can manifest differently in people.

Some of these base signs of autism can be confused with normal cat behavior, leading people to wonder if their cat is autistic or just being a cat.

How Cats’ Behavior Can Mimic Autism:

They’re independent creatures, so they like going off on their own. Behaviorists have studied cats’ personalities, and there are some cats who don’t like social interaction and people, but it doesn’t mean they don’t like you.

Lack of Social Interaction

If your cat is constantly meowing or chirping at you, it doesn’t mean they’re autistic. The same goes for if your cat doesn’t purr or make much noise at all.


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