Why Does My Cat Eat My Hair?

The Discerning Cat

All cat parents know how much their felines like to groom themselves. But what happens when your kitty starts to groom you? Why does my cat eat my hair?

The Discerning Cat

There are several possible answers to the question of why your cat is eating or chewing your hair.

The Discerning Cat

And if you don’t like this behaviour or it is getting out of control there are quite a few ways to discourage this behavior.

Cats who live in groups tend to groom each other – a concept known as allogrooming. They will lick, bite or rub the other cats in the group to demonstrate their love and affection.

To Socialise

Biting or eating the hair of someone it loves can calm your cat down if it is feeling hassled or anxious. When your cat feels worried the act of eating your hair helps calm your cat as it is showing its bond with you and claim on you.

To De-stress

Eating or chewing hair in cats can often be lick thumb sucking in children. It can be a self soothing behaviour that your cat develops during weaning to help calm and comfort itself.

To Soothe

Cats can become compulsive chewers. The signs of compulsive chewing are that your cat chews anything and everything and that its chewing behaviour has become more intense and/or more frequent.

Because it has to

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