Can Cats Remember Long-Term?  4 Types of Memory

Studies suggest that some cats can recall particular types of information after ten years or more! In some cases, recall seems to have been life-long.

This ability depends on several different factors – for example, health, conditions under which it is raised, etc. A cat’s age, just like in humans, can also be a factor.

Long-term memory is split into a few categories in order to distinguish the types of information it stores.

Implicit memory refers to how a cat remembers the techniques of grooming themselves or stalking prey. Once learned, these memories seem to become permanently ingrained.

Implicit Memory

The recall of explicit memory seems to be more intentional. And this is what most people think of most when talking about a cat’s memory.

Explicit Memory

Some examples include recognizing a familiar person or remembering how to return home after a day’s wandering.

Connected to this explicit memory in some way is visual memory. Some cats have been proven to recognize the faces of their humans, for example.

Visual Memory

Cats have a remarkable ability to remember environments and how to use them. You may notice how your cat always climbs up its cat tree in a specific way or uses a particular route.

Spatial Memory

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