What Sounds Do Cats Like?

The Discerning Cat

Let’s talk about sounds your furry friends will probably enjoy hearing.

The Discerning Cat

You might be wondering how you can tell if a cat enjoys a sound. Well, it’s pretty simple.

The Discerning Cat

If a cat enjoys a certain noise being produced, it will go toward the sound, purr, and possibly even rub itself on whatever is emitting the noise.

What Sounds Do Cats Like?

If you have a pet cat, you’ll know how much they love toys — especially ones that are designed to mimic their prey.

Cat Toys

Toys that squeak, crinkle, have bells, or rattle, provide cats with lots of entertainment. And, since they’re in control of the toy, they’re also in control of the sound.

A study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science found that cats were interested in species-appropriate music that had been composed just for them.

Cat Music

The sound of things like light rain, soft flowing streams, birds chirping, and the wind blowing through tree branches are music to your cat’s ears.

Sounds of Nature

If you have an indoor cat that has to stay inside all day, it might be a good idea to leave a window cracked so they can hear the outside world.

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