Why Does My Cat Stink?

The Discerning Cat

Reasons, Cures, and How to Avoid It

Have you noticed a foul smell coming from your pet? Your first instinct to find out ‘why does my cat stink’ is probably to have them checked out by a professional. 

The Discerning Cat

We all want a cat that smells good, and, often, it is an easy fix at home, ranging from simply bathing them or just changing their diet. 

The Discerning Cat

Thankfully, this guide exists to help you pinpoint the exact reason for their sudden stench. 

Why Does My Cat Stink?

Bad breath is normal in your pets, but it’s time for a deeper look if the smell persists. 

Bad Breath

Typically, there are two feline dental diseases – gingivitis and feline stomatitis. Gingivitis is usually caused by plaque building up on teeth. 

Dental Disease

On the other hand, feline stomatitis is a chronic disease and isn’t as easy to treat at home. Your pet will need antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications to ease their pain.

Wet and soft food tends to get stuck between their teeth, which can eventually cause a foul odor. Try switching your cat or kitten to dry food and see if this helps. 


Cats look after their coats very well, but sometimes they need a little help from their friends to keep their skin in tip-top shape.  

Skin Odor

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