7 Reasons

Why Do Cats Sleep Next to Their Owners

Many cat lovers would agree that having your cat sleep next to you feels like you’ve hit the jackpot and are being showered with love.

There are many reasons for cats’ sleeping positions and behaviors. You might find your fur baby snoozing next to you because they trust you, or they could simply be seeking warmth.

To help you understand your cat’s behavior a little better, I’ve put together a list of the most common reasons why cats sleep next to their owners.

As cats love warmth, you’ll often find them soaking up the sunshine. Similarly, when there’s no sunlight to snooze in, cats cuddle up with their owners for the warmth of their bodies.

Cats Sleep Next to Owners For Warmth

Sleeping near their owners can make cats feel a sense of safety and indicates trust in the relationship.

They Feel Safe & Secure

Whether you buy the comfiest cat bed or donut cushions, cats sleep where they want to, and they might find a spot on their owner’s bed and seek comfort.

They Feel Comforted by Their Owners

As territorial animals, felines often claim territory through particular behavior, like rubbing their head on household objects, walking on items, or headbutting their owners.

They’re Marking Their Territory

From greeting you at the door and meowing to slow blinking and purring. Sleeping with you is another way cats display appreciation and a desire to be near you.

Cats Are Showing Affection

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