17 Hypoallergenic Lap Cats

Calm, Cuddly & Affectionate Breeds

If you love cats as much as I do, but someone in your home is allergic to them, don’t give up hope. There is no such thing as a completely hypoallergenic cat. 

If you or someone you live with is extremely sensitive to cats, getting advice from the breeder before welcoming a new love ball into the house is a good idea.

No matter the case, here are the 17 best hypoallergenic lap cats that will brighten up anyone’s day.

Siberians are also known as being one of the most hypoallergenic cats despite their long hair. This is because their saliva has one of the lowest levels of Fel D1 of any domestic cat breed.

Siberian Cats

Russian Blue Cats have lower levels of Fel D1 protein than other cat breeds. Plus, their thick and dense coat sheds less, so it emits far less of the protein.

Russian Blue Cats

The Sphynx breed still has the Fel D1 protein in its saliva. So if you suffer from allergies, washing your hands after petting them is a good option.

Sphynx Cats

Some Cornish Rex cats have no fur at all. As they shed little to nothing, they put out less of the Fel D1 protein, which makes them one of the best cats for allergies.

Cornish Rex

The mischievous Devon Rex cat, or the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal feline breed. They make the ideal companions, welcome family, and friends’ attention, and are great with kids and other pets.

Devon Rex

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