Why Do Cats Roll in Dirt?  9 Reasons

The Discerning Cat

While our fur babies have dust baths and we fear for their beautiful silky coats getting dirty, they have good reasons for doing it. It may seem a bit odd, especially with all our caring efforts.

The Discerning Cat

However, it’s actually a good way for them to care for themselves. So, let’s take a peek at some reasons why cats roll in the dirt when they get outside.

The Discerning Cat

There’s a cool soft layer underneath the bare earth, and when it’s freshly dug up it’s much cooler than on top. 

Cooling Off

If your cat is rolling over onto its back, it is doing so because it feels safe. Cats mostly roll over when they are in their most relaxed state.

Feeling Safe

When a cat inhales catnip, it exhibits some weird behaviours like licking, head shaking, body rubbing and sniffing. So, rolling on the ground can also be a result of them enjoying their catnip.

Catnip Content

This is one-way cats can supply their guts with good bacteria, to help maintain the flora (microbiome) in their gastrointestinal tracts.

Microbiome Care

Giving your kitty attention once it’s rolled onto their back will reinforce their behaviour, and they’ll do it again. After that, your cat may repeat the movement to be awarded attention.

Attention Seeking

You’ll find that female cats often roll around and rub against things when they are in heat or after mating. On the other hand, their male counterparts roll on the ground when they are around other male cats.

In Heat

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