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Luxurious Locks: Meet the Most Popular Long-Haired Cat Breeds

Are you looking for a feline companion with gorgeous luscious locks? Well, I’ve got the ultimate list of long haired cat breeds for you!

There are a few long-haired cats, from the high-maintenance Persian cat to the easy-going Ragdoll. Each displays their own personality with one thing in common — gorgeous long coats.

It’s safe to say these adorable fluffy balls of joy come with a personality to match their majestic coats. Will this mean the long fur on their thick coat needs constant grooming and vacuuming from you? Not necessarily. 

Whether you’re looking for an indoor cat you can spoil rotten or are aiming for a more low-maintenance pet, this list has it all.


1. Maine Coon Cat

Image by Daniel Zopf on Unsplash

Maine Coons are one of the most overgrown cats you can get. So, it’s no surprise that the tresses on these gentle giants are overgrown as well. 

Resembling a wild cat, Maine Coons can reach heights of up to 40 inches and can weigh up to 35 pounds. If you have a pure-bred Maine Coon (they are native to the United States), their luxurious coat will be medium to long with super fluffy bellies and tails.

But do Maine Coons shed a lot? In short, yes. But not much more than any short-haired cat. Typically, they have large shedding periods about twice a year — spring and autumn. However, if you have an indoor cat, they’ll shed small amounts of hair throughout the year. Regular grooming should keep this in check.

2. Turkish Van Cat

turkish van orange and white
PC: luisecheverrimurrea/depositphotos

Don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of this long-haired kitty — it’s one of the rarest cat breeds! They originate from the Middle East, with evidence of the breed dating back thousands of years.

If you can get your hands on one of these ancient cats, you can expect a white, fluffy but silky coat. In summer, their coats become thinner and shorter because of the warm climates they come from. These domestic cats are quite big, too, reaching heights of 30 inches and weighing up to 20 pounds.

Interestingly, these felines love water and are very smart and playful. So, if you get one, be sure to add lots of stimulation and keep an eye on them around water.

3. Ragdoll Cat

Image by Kanashi on Unsplash

Ragdoll cats are large, affectionate cats that love adventure. If you have the space, time, and patience for them, they could make excellent companions — especially for families.

They can weigh up to 20 pounds with a body height of 11 inches. From the tips of their nose to their tails, they can stretch about 40 inches long. 

Their coats are long and silky, with a range of patterns. While their coats don’t matt easily, they still need brushing about twice a week. They also don’t shed much because they only have one layer of fur, but you might want to skip this breed if you have allergies.

4. Persian Cats

Image by Sergey Semin on Unsplash

A Persian cat is actually the highest maintenance and most expensive cat breed there is. So, if you plan on getting one, be sure you have a thorough Persian cat grooming schedule.

These cats have origins in Mesopotamia or modern-day Iran and are very aware of their beauty. However, they are very sweet, obedient, and love lazing about most of the time. They can grow to be 15 inches tall and weigh 12 pounds.

Their coats are silky but can mat easily, so they need to be brushed daily. This domestic long hair sheds a lot, too, all year round, with two big shedding seasons yearly when they shed their entire coats.

5. Ragamuffin Cat

Image by Rick Wood on Canva

The Ragamuffin only came to the forefront as a breed around the 1990s in America. I guess you can view them as a bigger version of a Ragdoll since they look so similar. Their name is a homage to Ragdolls, even though this breed is crossed with Persians and Himialyans to get this thoroughly long coat. 

They grow up to 15 inches tall and weigh 20 pounds. Their coats are typically thicker than a Ragdoll’s but don’t tend to shed more than your typical cat. So you can get away with a brush only once a week. Although they are amongst the world’s calmest cat breeds, so they adore brush time.

6. Scottish Fold Cat

Image by Sergey Semin on Unsplash

While it may have a perpetually sad face, with its down-turned ears and big eyes, this breed is actually very active, sociable, and friendly. They are a bit on the shorter side at 10 inches tall. They weigh between six and ten pounds.

The breed can have short or long hair, but we will focus on the latter. Long-haired Scottish Folds have dense coats that need a quick brush a few times a week to remain knot-free. 

Their ears are due to a genetic mutation that affects the ear cartilage, so they also require a little more TLC from you because they are so unique. Ensure you clean their ears often to avoid wax buildup. 

Pssst: Looking for something more pocket-sized? A Scottish Fold Munchkin cat would be ideal for you.

7. Norwegian Forest Cat

Image by Anna Pozzi on Canva

This breed often gets confused with another big cat breed — the Maine Coon. But there are a few differences between Norwegian Cat vs Maine Coon. One of them is that the Norwegian Forest cat is slightly smaller at 18 inches tall and 22 pounds heavy.

They are very similar in coats and grooming requirements, though. A Norwegian Forest cat has a double coat to keep them warm in the frigid winter cold climates of Scandinavia. So, they will shed a significant amount come summer — be sure to have the vacuum nearby. You can get away with a weekly brush in all the other seasons.

8. Birman

Image by freestocks on Unsplash

Originating from Birma (modern-day Myanmar), this pointed breed is one of the best low-maintenance fluffy breeds out there. They are medium-sized at 10 inches and 12 pounds, which makes them ideal for small homes or apartments.

Their coats are single-layered, so they have a low chance of matting and don’t shed much. That doesn’t mean you can skip the weekly comb. They can still get knots and will need help getting rid of the few hairs they shed.

9. Somali Cat

Image by Grase on Canva

Interestingly, Somali Cats don’t originate from Africa. They’re from America. They are considered long-haired descendants of Abyssinians, though, who are from Africa.

Their coats are very similar to Abyssinians with their uniquely ticked hairs, each with a different color pattern. Their bushy tails give them a foxy look, garnering them the nickname “fox cat.” They aren’t nearly as big as foxes, though, with heights of about 11 inches and weighing 10 pounds.

They only need a weekly brushing or comb to keep them knot-free, even though they have a double coat.

10. Turkish Angora

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Another long-haired cat with origins from the Middle East, the Turkish Angora, is quite friendly, affectionate, and outgoing. Like Turkish Vans, they rarely come in any color other than white with green or blue eyes.

They weigh about 15 pounds and can get up to 14 inches tall. Their long coats are super silky with a thin undercoat, so they will need daily brushing. Thankfully, they love attention and affection, so they will be sat quite contently while you brush them.

11. LaPerm

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With a name like LaPerm, it’s no surprise that these are one of the few cats with curly hair. This cute cat is rare and incredibly tiny at 10 inches, weighing between five and 10 pounds.

These bouncy curls change as your pet grows old but stay silky throughout their life. So they won’t need an extensive grooming regime. Because their curls bend into each other, their coats tend to hold onto dead hair more often, so you’ll need to brush your cat once a week. 

Their hair routine is similar to humans with curly hair. This means combing their hair with a wide-toothed comb in opposite directions to maintain their waves. They molt seasonally, so pay close attention to dead hair in their coats around these times.

12. Himalayan Cat

Image by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

Himalayan cats are a mix of Persian and Siamese cats made to achieve their iconic point coloring. Even if they have patterns like tabby, lynx, or tortoiseshell, they’ll still have recognizable dark noses, paws, and tail tips because of this.

They weigh 12 pounds at their heaviest and are 12 inches at their tallest. Their coats are thick and fluffy, making them look even bigger. To maintain their fluff, you’ll need to brush them daily to avoid mats and tangles. 

Their dense coats also mean that they shed often and are thus not ideal for owners with allergies. 

13. Siberian Cat

two siberian cats on couch
PC: TheDiscerningCat

Breeds from ice regions usually mean dense, thick, and long coats — exactly what you get here. Siberian cats are also very big at 12 inches tall and weigh 15 pounds at the heaviest. I have two amazing Siberian cats, Alexei and Vladimir. They both weigh about 5 kilograms.

Despite this, their grooming regime isn’t as intense as expected. You’ll only need to brush these intelligent cats once a week to keep their triple coat healthy. They have three coats to help with winter isolation, so expect them to shed a large amount come winter and summer. Alexei gets a lot of mats but Vladimir not as many.

14. Manx Cat

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You don’t need to see the long hair to recognize a Manx Cat. You only need to identify them with their stocky build and adorably short legs. The 16-inch, 20-pound heavy feline also doesn’t have a tail!

These long haired cats have thick double coats, so they will need a brush at least once a week until they start to enter shedding season, when you’ll need to increase the frequency.

15. Selkirk Rex

Image by Thomas Leirikh on Canva

Upon the first view, describing the Selkirk Rex’s coat as shaggy does not do it justice. This breed’s long coat has curls, making it look more similar to sheep’s wool.

These kinks and coils are thanks to the Rex mutation, which causes curly cat hair. While it won’t harm them in any way, it does mean that your Selkirk Rex will need daily maintenance. No matter what you do, your 16-pound pet will always look a little disheveled, so try not to be too hard on yourself. Also, avoid brushing them too much, as this could make them look worse.

Instead, opt to comb their hair with a wide-toothed comb. They may become greasy over time, so a bath is also advisable every three to six months.

16. Balinese Cats

Image by Jeff Anderson on Canva

This Siamese cat variation has iconic point colors and blue eyes but has much more hair than its genetic cousin. They can grow to 11 inches tall and weigh 12 pounds, similar to Siamese. 

Their long hair is fine and silky and doesn’t need much upkeep. So, you can get away with only brushing them once a week rather than daily grooming. They don’t have an undercoat, so they don’t shed much. The only maintenance they’ll need is constant attention, exercise, and chats since they’re so vocal — like Siamese cats. 

You might enjoy reading my articles on blue cats, teacup cat breeds and red cat breeds.

17. American Bobtail Cat

Image by Jane-Khomi on Canva

There are two types of this short-tailed cat breed. First, I’ll focus on the American Bobtail.

This breed has a muscular build ideal for hunting and can be up to 10 inches tall and weigh 16 pounds. They have a stubby tail that looks like it was cut short. Its tail is often curved or bendy and measures up to four inches on average. 

They have a shaggy coat that sheds in spring and autumn and would need more frequent brushes around this time but typically only need bi-weekly brushes. 

18. Japanese Bobtail Cat

Image by fuiyau yap on Canva

Onto the Japanese Bobtail, which has (no surprise) origins in Asia. While they’re called Japanese, there is evidence that their roots may actually be from China or Korea.

This large cat is slightly smaller than its American counterparts at nine inches and weighs about 10 pounds. They are slender, longer, and elegantly built, with a short three-inch curly tail resembling a rabbit. 

Their coats are smooth and silky and would improve if brushed every few days. During spring and summer, their soft fur sheds like American Bobtails, too, so they would need to be brushed more frequently.

19. American Curl Cat

Image by janekub on Canva

Similar to the Scottish Fold, this cat has curly ears, but theirs curve backward instead of down. These longhaired cats originated and quickly became popular for their unique look in California in the 1980s. Today, they are a bit more difficult (but not impossible) to get.

Their stocky build can weigh up to 10 pounds with a frame reaching heights of 12 inches. While their ears are the star of the show, their long coats are also quite showstopping. It is incredibly silky and comes in a variety of colors and patterns.

Because of their long tresses, they need to be brushed three to four times a week to remain mat-free. Use a steel-pronged comb to really get all of the hairs, as these cats are quite fluffy.

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