13 Incredible Facts You Need To Know About Raas Cats

If you’re a cat enthusiast that’s eager to own a Raas cat, there are a few things you need to know.

Raas cats are unique cats with large bodies and enchanting oval eyes. These felines often find it hard to adjust from island to family life, so you’ll need to provide them with extra care.

Here are a few things that you should know about the Raas cat.

As mentioned, Raas cats originate from an Indonesian island in East Java – Raas Island. There is a bit of mystery behind how the Raas cat came to be.

History and Origin

The Raas cat has a captivating appearance. They are characterized by dazzling dark green eyes, squarish faces, and triangular ears.

Raas Cat Physical Characteristics

Raas Cat Size

Raas cats have a body size that is relatively larger than the average domestic cat. On average, a Raas cat stands two feet tall with an average weight of 15 pounds.

As Raas cats are known to be a bit grumpy at times, you’ll have to find innovative ways to keep them motivated.

Raas Cat Temperament

They Can Be Moody Cats

Unlike their mysterious origin, one thing that is well-known about the Raas cat is their stubborn streak. These kitties do not take orders from others.

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