13 Reasons Why Your Cat Follows You Around Everywhere

The Discerning Cat

Cats have a reputation for being stand-offish and often disinterested. But this reputation can often be very wrong.

The Discerning Cat

I have a Siberian cat Alexei and he loves following me around the house. Alexei isn’t unique – many cats like to follow their owners around – and even to the bathroom.

The Discerning Cat

So why do they do this? Cats have domesticated themselves so the reasons for them following their owners around tend to be postive.

13 Reasons Why Your Cat Follows You Around Everywhere

This is its way of telling potential intruders that someone owns this area and they should not enter. If your cat is constantly rubbing itself against furniture this may well be what your cat is doing.

Guarding their Territory

Your cat may be following you around simply because it enjoys being with you. Do reciprocate this affection to your cat to let it know that you feel the same way.


Cats are creatures of routine. Once they start following you everywhere the odds are they will continue to do so. Wild cats have routines around hunting, marking their territory etc.


Your cat may be following you as a form of play. It might like to suddenly jump on you or to hide and then pounce on you. My cat loves to do this type of pretend play.


Kittens tend to follow their mothers everywhere. They learn everything from their mother and she is also the source of their food. So kittens learn to feel safe when they are near their mother.

You’re their parent

Cats are sensitive and these changes could leave them feeling insecure. Thus they want to follow you everywhere as when they are with you they feel secure and protected.

Sudden Major Change

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