13 Things to Know about Minskin Cat

The Minskin is a relatively new breed of cat that has drawn lots of attention in the cat world.

It has unique looks and an interesting pedigree (or history, at least) and seems to be finding a home amongst families in search of something unique.

In this post, we’ll take a look at 13 interesting facts worth knowing about Minskin cats.

Minskins Live a Fairly Long Life

The Minskin lives an average of 12-14 years, which is not particularly short for a cat.

Minskins Prefer Stable Homes

Minskins do not like moving homes. They are generally uncomfortable with any instability or change.

Minskin cats are small. They only weigh up to four pounds at maximum. As a result, they almost seem to remain as kittens their entire life – at least in appearance.

Minskin Cat Vital Statistics

The Minskin isn’t a very hairy cat. You won’t have as many issues with this side of things as shedding isn’t really an issue.

Minskins Are Easy but Important to Take Care Of

Minskins love people. They are known for being great with families and even children. They also happen to get along well with other pets.

Minskins Are Friendly

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