15 Aggressive Cat Breeds and How to Calm Them

The Discerning Cat

Anyone who’s ever owned a cat knows they can have a wild side. Typically, this behavior is just brushed aside as being playful, especially because most cats have a cute and cuddly appearance.

The Discerning Cat

However, even the domesticated family house cat is descended from wildcats. Although they’ve mostly diverged from their wild roots, this isn’t always the case. And it’s more apparent in some breeds than others.

The Discerning Cat

It’s time to look closely at the most dangerous cat breeds.

15 Aggressive Cat Breeds and How to Calm Them

They’re generally sensitive to change and can display aggression when new cats or dogs are introduced to the home. To put it bluntly, they don’t like to share attention.

Scottish Fold

If they’re raised with other pets from an early age, they’ll be more accepting of them.

Donskoys are more dangerous to other cats than to humans. They have a selective attitude toward other felines, and they’re known to act aggressively without warning.


As frightening as they may look, Lykoi is actually rather sweet. They’re affectionate, playful, and even-tempered. They can be more reserved around strangers, but around their family, they’re lovable lap cats.


These black cats can play rough, but it’s usually all in good fun. If they get bored, they can resort to destructive behavior, but as long as they’re kept occupied with interactive cat toys and exercise, they make loveable family pets.


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