16 Things You Should Know About Lykoi Cat

The Discerning Cat

Lykois, or werewolf cats, are a pretty rare breed of cat, and because of that, not many people know much about them.

The Discerning Cat

Here’s everything you need to know, from the Lykoi cat price to how to take care of their skin and nails and everything in between.

The Discerning Cat

It was originally believed that this gene was similar to the one carried by hairless Sphynx and Devon Rex cats. Later on, extensive studies revealed it was not the same gene after all.

Lykoi Cat Discovery: Where It Started

The Lykoi was originally found to be principally black, which is also the color most preferred by owners.

Preserving the Appearance of Lykoi Cats

One of the key discoverers and investigators of the breed, John Gobble, coined the phrase “second-chance cat” to describe its fortune.

Lykoi Cat: The Second Chance Breed

They do lack an undercoat, so their fur is indeed thin, and in some places, basically  non-existent.

Lykoi Cats Are Hairless (Sort Of)

A classic Lykoi has a combination of fur colors as it is partly black and partly amelanistic. This means that some of its hair has no melanin and is therefore colorless.

Physical Description Of Lykoi Hair and Color

The parts of the cat that are exposed by having no hair (eyes, muzzle, nose, etc) have a leathery feel to them. When the cat loses hair it exposes pink skin.

Lykoi Cat Physical Characteristics

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