67 Best Quotes About Cat Lovers You’ll Adore

It’s no wonder that there are many sayings describing cat lovers and their relationship with their felines.

Even famous authors and popular media figures have a thing or two to say about this phenomenon.

Take a look at this variety of tongue-in-cheek and truthful quotes about the personality of a cat lover.

“As I’ve gone through life, I’ve found that my most trusted and adored friends all had four paws and fur.” — Anonymous

“When I feel bad I just look at my cats and my courage returns.” — Charles Bukowski (20th-century poet and writer)

“How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven.” — Robert A. Heinlein (20th-century science fiction author, naval officer and aeronautical engineer)

“The key to a successful new relationship between a cat and human is patience.” — Susan Easterly  (writer of pet books and articles)

“You can keep a dog, but it is the cat who keeps people because cats find humans useful domestic animals.” — George Mikes (20th-century journalist, writer and humorist)

“The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal — or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.” — Elizabeth Peters (author)

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