7 Reasons You Might Have A Chatty Cat

As a cat parent, you’ve probably meowed at your cat at least once, trying to communicate with them in their native language.

A few times, it may have worked, and they’ve responded.

But why do cats meow back at you?

They’re called copy-cats for a reason. Cats are natural-born imitators, so if you meow at them, there is a good chance that they’ll give a courtesy meow back to you.

They’re Communicating Back at You

Sometimes a meow can be as simple as just a way of saying they love you. This is usually accompanied by them rubbing against you, purring, and a slow blink to show trust.

To Acknowledge You

Often times your cat will float in your space and just let out a soft meow. They’re just doing this to drop in a quick “hey” as they do their daily tasks or in between naps in the sun.

To Say Hello

Often times cats will try to get your attention when they’re hungry, bored, or just want cuddles. They will give a big meow the get your attention or even headbutt you.

To Get Your Attention

While it may not always seem that way, cats love their owners. While they may not need as much attention as dogs, they still love a cuddle, chat, or some quality time.

They’re Lonely

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