9 Sleeping Positions for Sick Cats All Owners Should Be Aware

The Discerning Cat

A snoozing feline is undeniably adorable, but sometimes it could indicate a possible problem. It’s important for pet parents to understand common cat sleeping positions when sick.

The Discerning Cat

On average, cats sleep around 12 to 16 hours per day. If you notice your fur baby sleeping more frequently in an unusual position, it could be a sign of a sick or depressed cat.

The Discerning Cat

In this guide, you can find the most common sleeping positions of a sick cat and other symptoms of pain.

9 Sleeping Positions for Sick Cats All Owners Should Be Aware Story

Cat Sleeping in Fetal Position

This position provides cats with warmth. As the fetal position helps cats retain heat, you may find your feline sleeping this way during cold days.

Generally, a cat lying on its side suggests a relaxed and happy kitty. It is a vulnerable position and often indicates that your cat has a normal body temperature.

Sleeping on Their Side

Meatloaf position looks similar to loaf position. It is when cats lie in a hunched position with their backs arched upwards and paws tucked underneath their body.

Cat Sleeping in Meatloaf Position

Cats that grow up in the same household often form an unbreakable bond. They will sleep together and groom each other.

Sleeping With Other Cats

If you notice that your cat is sleeping in the same position all the time, it could suggest that your kitty is sick.

Cat Sleeping in the Same Position

Felines rarely reveal when they are in pain. As such, it’s important to monitor your furry friend’s sleeping positions and their frequency.

Other Signs That Your Cat May Be Sick

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