A Guide to Understanding Depression in Cats 

The Discerning Cat

Cat depression and anxiety can look quite different from the same syndromes in humans.

The Discerning Cat

And confusingly the symptoms of depression in cats can also be a sign of other potential cat health issues.

The Discerning Cat

So there is quite a bit that cat owners should know about cats and depression.

A Guide to Understanding Depression in Cats

Some signs of anxiety rather than depression in cat include going outside the litterbox, excessive grooming and other cat behaviours done excessively and and excessive meowing.

Anxiety in cats can have similar characteristics but there are some differences

Compulsive activity in cats can manifest for several reasons, one being depression. Others include boredom, anxiety or fear.

Depressed Cats can develop compulsive behaviours

You may well see quite a few listings when you google cat therapist or cat therapy. However, this area is not exactly regulated so I would highly recommend starting with asking your veterinarian for recommendations on this one.

There are Cat Therapists

Depression itself is unlikely to directly cause extreme illness or death in your cat. However, some of the ways in which it manifests can lead to serious health issues and even death.

Depression can lead to serious health problems in cats

Some may hypothesise that an indoor cat could be more likely to suffer from depression than an outdoor cat as they are not able to roam and hunt as freely. However, there is no evidence to support this view.

Inside vs Outside Doesn’t Seem to be a Factor

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