Are German Shepherds Good with Cats?

The Discerning Cat

The battle of cats and dogs is as old as time itself. But is it true that cats and dogs can’t get along? They are very different species and both view the other as potential prey.

The Discerning Cat

But cats and dogs can get along – it is all about how the process of bringing these two species together is managed.

The Discerning Cat


The younger both animals are, the more likely that they will be able to get along. Kittens and puppies, like humans, are far less set in their ways. 

Factors to Consider

Prey Drive

A German Shepherd with a higher prey drive will find it more difficult to get along with a cat and vice versa with a lower prey drive.


A GSD that has been spayed or netured will feel less need to show dominance to a cat.

The first step is to feed the two animals in close proximity to each other.

Introducing a German Shepherd Puppy to a Kitten

It is unlikely that the two animals will be comfortable seeing each other at this point but they will start to pick up each other’s scent.

Don’t introduce the two animals until your puppy is able to follow commands to sit, stay and leave it.

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