Best Lap Cat Breeds to Cuddle With

Cats have gotten a reputation as being house pets with their own agendas.

Memes have popularized the myth that they can be rather stand-offish and prefer to be left alone.

There are many affectionate cat breeds who are almost always down for a cuddle. These friendly felines crave attention and appreciate quality lap time with their favorite humans.

This is a breed that bonds quickly with its owners. They’re affectionate, social, and have an even temperament. They’re also homebodies who prefer the indoors to the outdoors.

Scottish Fold

They make great pets for anyone looking for a cuddly companion. Their gentle, sweet, and patient demeanor make them a perfect fit for homes with children and other pets.


They like to cuddle close to humans to help keep their bald bodies warm. Sphynx are intelligent, friendly, and energetic.


They crave human contact, whether that’s cuddling with you on your lap, getting pet, or being carried. They’re even considered by many to be dog-like.


They want to be everyone’s friend and part of the family. They love quality time with their humans, which they should feel involves plenty of lap cuddles.

Maine Coon

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