Cat Colds: Everything You Need to Know

The Discerning Cat

The Discerning Cat

Have you heard your cat sneezing? When you’ve looked at them, did they seem a little off? Watery eyes? A little sorry for themselves?

The Discerning Cat

Maybe you even imagined a runny nose? If your cat were human, you’d swear it had a cold. Can cats get colds?

Cat Colds: Everything You Need to Know

All cats can get a cold, but cats who roam about outdoors are more likely to come into contact with errant virus droplets.

Can All Cats Get A Cold?

All cats can get a cold, but cats who roam about outdoors are more likely to come into contact with errant virus droplets.

Catching a cold from getting wet or getting cold is a common misconception. No one gets a cold from simply experiencing those conditions.

Can Cats Catch Colds From Getting Wet and Cold?

The name for a cat cold sounds serious, but in most cases, it’s not life-threatening. 

Feline Upper Respiratory Infection

If your cat does indeed have a cold, you’ll be happy to hear that there are some things you can do to make its life just a little bit more comfortable.

What to Do if Your Cat Has a Cold

An extra warm blanky and a warm spot in the room (maybe closer to the radiator?) will be welcome.

Keep it Comfy and Warm

Most importantly, do not give your cat any human medication or hand-me-down remedy. Only medication that is specifically prescribed for your pet is suitable for it.

Do Not Offer Human Remedies

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