Cat Sleeping Positions When Sick (And What They Mean!)

The Discerning Cat

Cats are famed for their love of napping, and getting enough beauty sleep is a top priority.

The Discerning Cat

A snoozing feline is undeniably adorable, but sometimes it could indicate a possible problem.

The Discerning Cat

So, it’s important for pet parents to understand common cat sleeping positions when sick.

Cat Sleeping Positions When Sick (And What They Mean!)

Cat Curled Up in a Ball

As cats lose most heat through their footpads and ears, this position keeps them snug during cold weather.

This adorable position is known as splooting and helps to stretch the hip joints and ease muscle tension.

Cat Sleeping Flat on Stomach

If you have an affectionate cat that’s loving during the day and then sleeps on its back, it’s usually no concern. In fact, it may suggest that your cat feels secure and trusts you by leaving its paw pads and belly exposed.

Sleeping Flat on Their Back

As both predators and prey, felines need to be alert most of the time, even during their daily naps.

Cat Sleeping With One Eye Open

Similar to the cat curling up in a ball pose, this position provides cats with warmth. As the fetal position helps cats retain heat, you may find your feline sleeping this way during cold days.

Cat Sleeping in Fetal Position

Generally, a cat lying on its side suggests a relaxed and happy kitty. It is a vulnerable position and often indicates that your cat has a normal body temperature.

Sleeping on Their Side

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