Cat Statistics All Pet Lovers Should Know in 2022 

The Discerning Cat

With all the love for cats that the Internet and the world have in general, people sometimes wonder what the numbers tell us about our favorite feline friends.

The Discerning Cat

How many cats are there in the world, for example. What about the habits of cats and their owners? 

The Discerning Cat

All of these things have a pattern, as some very interesting cat statistics mentioned in this article show.

Latest Cat Statistics (2022)

People between 55 and 64 tend to spend the most on their pets. The next age group to spend on their pets is 18-24 year-olds (Source: Joybird)

If you are aged 45-55, you may be more willing to spend $100+ per month on your pet. This doesn’t necessarily account for medical emergencies and other unforeseen expenses. (Source: Joybird)

21% of cat and dog owners in the United States spent more on their pets during the pandemic. Cat owners on average spent $687 whereas dog owners spent $1,201. (Source: Petfood Industry, Money)

Millennials are the age group most likely to own cats as they make up 31% of the ownership pie. (Sources: Pet Food Processing / Money)

Of that 31%, 82% own aa dog and 50% own at least one cat (Sources: Pet Food Processing / Money)

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