Latest Cat Statistics (2022) Cat Ownership, Breeds and More

The Discerning Cat

With all the love for cats that the Internet and the world have in general, people sometimes wonder what the numbers tell us about our favorite feline friends.

The Discerning Cat

How many cats are there in the world, for example. What about the habits of cats and their owners? 

The Discerning Cat

All of these things have a pattern, as some very interesting cat statistics mentioned in this article show.

Latest Cat Statistics (2022)

WorldAtlas estimates there are more than 400 – 600 million domesticated and feral cats in the world. In all honesty, that sounds like a low estimate when you consider that cats form the bulk of the Internet.

Of that 400 million, as suggested by WorldAtlas, about 375 million are pets. The rest are feral or stray. At least, that is the best estimate anyone will willingly venture.

Simply Insurance estimates that there are around 600 million cats living in the world today. 370 million of those cats are kept as pets.

23% of the population report having a cat (Source: GFK Global Study)

An ASPCA National Rehoming Survey showed that 42% of rehomed cats were given up because of problematic behavior (54%) or health problems (29%).

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