13 Charming Names for Girl Cats

The Discerning Cat

Cats are wonderful pets to own given their curious nature, their adventure for life, and their endless desire for napping with you on the couch.

The Discerning Cat

If you’re adding to your collection of purring faces or finally caving in and opting for a dog and cat world, you’ll need the perfect name for your feline.

The Discerning Cat

This is the ultimate guide to naming your new baby. If you’re looking to keep up with the trends, you can take a look at the overall best girl cat names.

13 of the Best Girl Cat Names

The origin of the names dates back to a medieval female named Bella, which means “beautiful” and “lovely.”


The enduring Irish name means pure, often short for Katherine, and it’s been used in several renowned movies.


Luna was once a female Goddess, making it all the more perfect for your newest little Goddess who’s on the brave and adventurous side of life.


Daisies get their name from the English origin word meaning “day’s eye,” as the petals of the flowers begin to open as the day begins.


This humble name was given to the princess in the movie “The Princess Diaries,” a title that any lovely kitty deserves.


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