All You Need to Know About Cinnamon Siamese Cats

The Discerning Cat

The cinnamon siamese cat is new to the Siamese breed standard and known by very few people outside the community of breeders.

The Discerning Cat

Many people worldwide likely have this rare Siamese cat but would never be able to identify it since they don’t know this variety exists.

The Discerning Cat

Therefore, you would not find much if you tried to get information about this cat online.

All You Need to Know About Cinnamon Siamese Cats

In Great Britain, the Governing Council of Cat Fancy accepts the Cinnamon point as a Siamese breed variety, and so does the Cat Fancier’s Association in America.

Both associations have the Cinnamon Siamese cat under Colorpoint Shorthair. These approvals are vital if breeders want to make this variety legitimate.

Their inherited genes cause their unique color and size maturity when they reach adulthood.

However, learning about the genetics of cats to be more accurate about the desired fur colors is still a new and complicated strategy. As experiments continue, results should improve as new findings are uncovered.

Cinnamon Points are under the solid point colors category, but it’s not difficult to encounter Tabbies, Torties, and Tortie-Tabbies if you go to Siamese cat conventions.

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