15 Dangerous Cat Breeds & How to Handle Them

The Discerning Cat

Anyone who’s ever owned a cat knows they can have a wild side. Typically, this behavior is just brushed aside as being playful, especially because most cats have a cute and cuddly appearance.

The Discerning Cat

However, even the domesticated family house cat is descended from wildcats. Although they’ve mostly diverged from their wild roots, this isn’t always the case. And it’s more apparent in some breeds than others.

The Discerning Cat

It’s time to look closely at the most dangerous cat breeds.

15 Dangerous Cat Breeds & How to Handle Them

These cats are not inherently aggressive; however, if they feel threatened, they can display aggressive tendencies. If they get bored, they are more prone to destructive behavior.


If their needs aren’t met, they are more prone to behavior problems and acting out. Siamese cats are also more territorial than other breeds. Things like stress and anxiety may cause them to bite.


They need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to prevent them from destructive behavior. For this reason, they require extra attention from cat owners.


Their wild roots can come out during playtime or when they want your attention. Bengals are highly active and intelligent. They enjoy playing in the water, climbing up cat trees, and learning tricks.


Although they make affectionate and loyal family pets, according to several cat breed sources, they should not be trusted around small children.


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