Do Maine Coon Cats Shed Heavily? 

Everything You Need to Know

The fact is that most pets shed to one degree or another. Shedding is a completely manageable aspect of owning a pet – and in this case, a Maine Coon.

Even in cases where there may be extra considerations or problems, you’ll find that dealing with the shedding is a lot easier than one might imagine.

Here’s what to know when your Main Coon Cat sheds and how to manage it.

The Basics Around Shedding

Maine Coons do shed seasonally, usually. But cats that live in warmer climates tend to shed year-round or more often than cold climate cats as well.

For those that shed seasonally, spring and fall are the main reasons for changing coats. That’s a natural part of animal life, as nearly all mammals and several other species undergo changes to accommodate climate fluctuations.

Spring and Fall

Managing Shedding in Your Home

Most cats enjoy finding a spot in your home and claiming it for themselves, whether to relax and nap or just sit and contemplate the world. This may become a hotspot for your cat’s hair shedding in that it’s the place your cat spends most of its time.

Make a point of cleaning that space regularly, with a vacuum, for example. The idea is to prevent excessive buildup of hair in any one space.

Several factors may influence the cause of too much or rapid hair loss. The aforementioned pests like ticks and fleas, poor diet, allergies, and even stress play a role in cat health.

How Much Is Too Much? When Hair Loss Becomes a Concern

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