Fun Facts About Cats

Most People Don’t Know

We’re crazy about cat facts. Something about cats, especially cute kittens, never fails to pique our interest.

In light of this, we’ve found the perfect list of facts about cats and cat statistics — random facts that make learning cat facts fun for kids and adults alike!

We’ve gathered a ferocious set of fun facts about cats, from facts about to domestic cats to facts about big cats, like mountain lions and cheetahs.

Meow! Grrrr! Hisss! These are some of the noises we typically associate with cats. One of the most surprising cat facts is that cats can actually make almost 100 different sounds.

Cats Can Make Over 90 Different Sounds

One cat species’ ability to purr and another species to roar is based on their anatomy, including specific features of the vocal folds and the length of the vocal tract.

Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, and Leopards Purr Too

Cats have an array of over 30 different muscles controlling their ears. This gives cats incredible control over their ears and the ability to point each ear independently.

Cats Can Move Their Ears 180 Degrees

Some people think that feeding cats milk is good for them. This supposed cat fact is really a myth.

Milk Is Not Good For Cats! Most Cats Are Lactose Intolerant

Cats use their whiskers for hunting and for sensing their surroundings. Veterinary neuroscientists have established some incredible cat facts relating to whiskers.

There Are Exactly 24 Whiskers On Every Cat

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