Goldendoodle and Cats

The Discerning Cat

Do They Get Along?

Whenever multiple-pet home situations arise, the predominant question is: will the dog get along with the cat? 

The Discerning Cat

In the case of the hybrid labradoodle breed, the questions are relatively easy to answer. They can indeed get along, and no specific breed-related issues should prevent that.  

The Discerning Cat

However, knowing a few things about the dogs and their background is worth knowing. 

Are Goldendoodles Good With Cats?

They are a crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. The breed gained popularity in the 1990s, partly in response to the growing fad of Labradoodle ownership (Labrador/Poodle crossbreeds). 

About Goldendoodles

There are some things to keep in mind regarding personality and instinct.  

Cats tend to be defensive when they encounter animal strangers. They are likely first to consider the newcomer as a threat. 

Defensive Instinct

As a result, they may either seek to escape or become aggressive if they feel their territory is being violated. Matters could worsen after that, especially if the dog reacts aggressively.  

Cat owners know that when their cats are home, they are usually relaxed. A dog’s energy can be a lot more energetic and frenetic. This could upset a cat, especially if the dog is new to the environment.  

Energy Crisis

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