Here Are The Reasons Why Your Cat Meows at Night

If you’re a cat parent to a kitty that meows throughout the night, you may be concerned or simply fed up with getting poor sleep.

Otherwise known as night vocalization or night-calling, these midnight symphonies are not uncommon behavior.

Either way, when it comes to our fur babies, it’s best to rule out any troublesome causes and rest easy at night knowing they are healthy and happy.

So how can you ensure that both you and your cat can have sweet dreams again? Let’s find out.

If your cat is used to spending its time outdoors, it may end up feeling trapped when spending the night inside.

They Feel Trapped Inside

Some cats cry at night out of loneliness, boredom, or anxiety. As independent as these felines can be, they also rely on interaction and companionship.

They are Feeling Neglected

Female cats who are in heat make noise to let the boys know they’re available for mating.

Mating Behavior

When it comes to the effect of aging on a cat’s brain, CDS (Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome) is directly related. This syndrome can produce a variety of symptoms, one of which is meowing at night.

Old Age

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