Here's What To Do If Your Cat Is Farting Too Much

The Discerning Cat

The Discerning Cat

Although most cat parents will never witness their cats pass gas, it does happen. When a cat farts, it’s silent and undetectable in odor.

But if you have noticed that your cat is doing this behavior frequently, that could be a sign of an irritable digestive system.

The Discerning Cat

Here's What To Do If Your Cat Is Farting Too Much

There are a number of ways to deal with bad gases in cats, especially if the reason behind them isn’t an actual disease. Here are the most common and most efficient preventative methods.

If the flatulence is getting worse and your cat is showing signs of pain, loss of appetite, depression, or discomfort, it’s time to visit your vet.

Seeking Professional Help

The sooner you schedule a check-up with your vet, the better. You’ll then know if you need to take further action and undergo any procedures and necessary treatments to alleviate your cats’ issues.


Staying active is a key factor if you want your cat to be healthy. Purchase scratching posts and make them more appealing with catnip spray. You can also get them interactive cat toys.

Probiotics for cats are the most common medication for bad gas. But don’t buy gas relaxants or other types of medications before consulting with your vet first.


Change Your Kitty’s Food

Always use only high-quality cat food and serve well-balanced meals to your kitty on a daily basis. Make any transitions slowly by mixing the old food with some of the new food.

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