There are few things cuter than a contented kitty taking a nap when its tail starts to wag or thump up and down.
But a wagging tail is usually something we associate with dogs, not cats. So why do cats wag their tails while lying down?
Get ready for an in-depth look into this quirky cat behavior, what it means, and how you can learn to understand and respond to it.
While cats’ moods can turn on a dime, you’ll know your friend is happy to accept your loving touch by the way they move their tail.
What do cats dream about? Every cat owner has their theories, but one of the indications that they’re dreaming at all is a flick of the tail during a deep, restful snooze.
Perhaps they’re just having a bad day. When they swish their tail in a wider arc (and especially when they accompany this with subtle moans or grunts), it’s their way of communicating their unpleasant mood to you.
Sometimes a cat that’s lying down will swish its tail for no other reason than they’re happy and content at that moment. It also usually means they’re feeling pretty relaxed.
They may seem as comfy and content as the next kitty lying peacefully in the sun, but that thumping tail might indicate they’re starting to feel energetic.
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