Hotspots in Cats: Everything You Should Know

Hotspots are the bane of many a pet owner. Few of us can stand by idly and watch our loved ones suffer from irritation, loss of hair and fur, and what seems like lots of pain and discomfort.

The continual biting and licking lead to concerning spots on the skin, lesions, and possibly further infections.

Here are a few frequently asked questions related to hot spots and cats, with more details around some of the main issues.

You can definitely find anti-itch spray over the counter. At least as a temporary partial fix, it may set your mind at ease and prevent some further damage to the skin due to scratching and biting. But it’s not a solution within itself.

Can I Get Anti-Itch Spray Without a Vet Prescription?

A more modern approach is the Elizabethan collar, which is usually soft, and designed more ergonomically.

What Type of Cone is Best?

It is possible that some home remedies can alleviate some of the symptoms, though to what degree, is uncertain.

Do Homeopathic or Natural Treatments Work?

Hot spots may indeed come about as an indirect result of old age, arthritis, and hip dysplasia. When a cat feels pain or discomfort, it is likely to lick at the affected area in an effort to alleviate that pain.

Are Hot Spots Really Caused by Age, Dysplasia, and Arthritis?

If the cause of the issue is indeed internal or age-related, the vet’s best bet is to prescribe pain medication that will need to be managed. In most cases, this will suffice.

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