How Do Cats Choose Who to Sleep With?

The Discerning Cat

One of the many reasons why animal lovers are drawn to cats is their curious and independent nature. However, that’s only one side to their personality.

The Discerning Cat

Many new kitty parents may be surprised to learn that their cat wants to curl up next to them at night. But what if your cat is curling up to you and only you at night?

The Discerning Cat

If you aren’t the one your cat is running to for a bedtime story and forehead kisses, here’s your chance to finally understand why.

This could be one of the reasons why your cat may choose to sleep on one particular side of the bed. Therefore, giving the impression that they have a favorite.

Cats Love a Warm Spot

In most cases, cats have a three-point list of the criteria they need before they get their beauty sleep. They seek comfort, calmness, and safety.

Cats Love Comfort & Safety

If you happen to sleep closest to the wall, some kitties would prefer to sleep there because it makes them feel safe and secure.

Does It Make Sense For Your Cat to Sleep With You?

If you find your cat spending their sleepy hours perched close to you, this probably means that you offer them the calmness they seek. Perhaps your cat views you as the authority of the house and the person who could protect them.

Are You Their Safety Net?

Sleeping with you might be one of these behaviors. Just like a cat will rub their face against you to share its scent, sharing the bed with you might be part of its pack language.

Natural Instincts

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