How Good Are Siamese Cats in Hunting Mice? 

Are you thinking about getting a cat? Specifically, one that’s good at catching mice and simultaneously adorably snuggly?

The Siamese breed is exceptionally charming and regal but are Siamese cats good mousers? Apparently the answer is yes.

Yes and no. While eating mice is one of their natural given rights, thanks to their ancestors, it is also quite disturbing for their domesticated guts.

Is it Okay For Cats To Eat Mice?

If there are mice in the area, they will hunt. There is no stopping a cat from being its true cat self.

Should I Stop My Cat From Hunting?

When Do Cats Hunt Mice?

In most cases, cats will hunt at night. This is the natural biological clock telling them to hunt. It is also why their eyes have evolved to adapt to that change.

Unlike natural instincts like hunger or the need to mate, your cat will not miss too much if they have no mice to catch. This innate desire is triggered by the presence of animals to hunt.

What if Siamese Cats Have No Mice to Catch?

Yes, Siamese cats are good mousers. Whether they learn this from their mothers or you’ve had to train them to get the job done, they are instinctively good at hunting as their predatory skills were passed down to them.

So are Siamese cats good mousers?

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