How Often Do Cats Pee?

The Discerning Cat

Everything You Should Know

There are many factors that can affect the frequency with which your beloved kitty goes to the litter box.

The Discerning Cat

Cats evolved in the dry climate of Mesopotamia, so they’ve developed an excellent hydration system. That means they only need to go a few times a day.

The Discerning Cat

How often your cat pees can tell you a lot about how your fur baby is doing!

Is your Feline Friend's Urine Normal?

Water consumption is a key factor behind the frequency of your cat’s visits to the litter box. The amount of moisture in their food also has an impact: cats on wet food diets are more hydrated and pee more often.

How Often Does a Cat Pee?

They should pee however much is normal for them! If they start to go less or more often, it’s worth getting the vet to run a check-up.

How Many Times a Day Should a Cat Pee?

It’s normal for a cat’s urine to be a yellow or amber color. Anything else tends to signal a health issue. Blue or green could be because of bacterial growth, while a milky, white color can indicate inflammation.

Cat Urine Color — What’s Normal?

Dark urine in cats causes a lot of alarm amongst owners because it usually originates from blood. This is called hematuria.

Why Does My Cat Have Dark Urine?

A strong, pungent odor of cat urine tends to indicate illness. Bladder infections and inflammations can cause foul-smelling cat urine, as can tumors and hormonal disorders.

Strong-smelling Cat Urine — What Does This Mean?

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