How To Choose The Best Treats for Your Cat

You can never give your cat too much affection, but you can give your cat too many treats.

Most cat treats are food based and unfortunately too many cats have weight problems these days..

But, of course, your cat loves treats so how do you provide your cat with treats that she will love and that won’t harm her?

Experts recommend that treats should make up no more than 10% of the total calories that cats eat.

Portion Control & Moderation

Remember, the standards for what manufacturers must put on their packaging are much looser for cats than they are for humans so it may be a good idea to check with your vet.

Read the Label

As an owner, it is ideal for you to control when treats are provided and that begging is not rewarded.

No begging allowed

Treats, combined with stroking and a soothing voice, can help calm unhappy felines efficiently.

Catnip means never having to say you’re sorry

Speaking of catnip, it makes for a great cat treat. It is low calorie and cats tend to love catnip and “cat grass”.

Go Green

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