How to Tell if Your Beloved Kitty is a Maine Coon

Are you looking for the newest addition to your fur family? Or did you bring home a bundle of joy that have think may have all the traits of a Maine Coon?

Either way, there are some sure-fire ways of telling whether or not the furry little creature has what it takes to grow into a full-size Maine Coon.

If you want to separate the men from the boys, or the Maine Coons from your average house cat, there are certain characteristics you’ll need to look out for.

For starters, Maine Coons tend to be much larger than your average house cat. They also have longer tails and legs, giving them a more regal appearance overall.

Body Shape of a Maine Coon

The coat of a genuine Maine Coon is thick, dense, and luxurious. It’s also usually very long, with some cats having coats that reach down all the way to the ground, so choose your cat brush wisely.

The Fur of a Maine Coon

As mentioned before, Maine Coons have large, broad faces with high cheekbones and big ears. Their noses are also usually slightly longer than that of a regular domestic cat.

Face Shape of a Maine Coon

They are known for making a unique trilling noise that is similar to a bird call. This noise is usually made when they are greeting their humans or other pets.

What Sound Does a Maine Coon Make?

Maine Coons are known for being gentle giants. They are usually very affectionate and loving towards their humans and make great companions.

Maine Coon Temperemant

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