The Discerning Cat

How to Train a Cat Not to Bite – Understanding Why

Whether you’re a new cat parent or a seasoned owner, a biting cat is sure to raise some questions.

The Discerning Cat

While biting isn’t uncommon amongst cats, this may be painful or may indicate deeper behavioral issues. So how to train a cat not to bite?

The Discerning Cat

Let’s explore some of the main reasons why cats are prompted to bite and what can be done to avoid it.

They’re Bored and Want Attention

A stimulating toy and fifteen minutes of your time is all it takes to satisfy their need for attention and put a stop to the biting.

They May Be In Pain

One tell-tale sign that they’re uncomfortable is biting to avoid anyone touching or moving the area they are experiencing pain in. They may even become aggressive in anticipation of it.

If you come too close, expect jaws or claws – or both! Make sure they’re in a safe, comfortable environment until they’re healed or seek medical help from your local veterinarian.

Every pet needs some good old playtime. And what better way to get your attention than a nibble? All cats, and kittens in particular, love play fighting as a form of play.

They’re In The Mood To Play

Fear or Stress

Apart from hissing and other physical behaviors, biting is one way cats communicate that they’re on edge or expressing aggression.

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