The Lilac Point Siamese is one of four distinct types of Siamese and is among the most well-known. Lilac Points are known today for their exciting and unique coloring.
It turns out that breeders and cat lovers didn’t recognize the Lilac Point at first, feeling it was just a variation on the Blue Point Siamese.
When Lilac Points first appeared at chows, many “experts” dismissed them as poor quality Blue Point variations, presumably because of the similarity in color.
Don’t consider adopting a Siamese if you like your cats to be independent. Siamese cats are notoriously clingy and will grab most opportunities to sit on or alongside you.
Lilac Points are known by their seemingly light blue coats, which have little variation from head to toe – they are, in fact, the lightest of all the point variations.
A healthy, balanced diet of protein, vitamins, and appropriate food is the standard for all pets and cats, and Siamese is no different. If anything, Lilac Point Siamese is active and will need mostly meat-based food daily
Lilac Points are curious and playful, a typical Siamese personality. As mentioned, they are happiest when close to their humans and seldom like to be left alone.
Most owners of Lilacs will tell you that they are challenging to train. Yet, they are intelligent and will pick up on habits very quickly.
Hip Dysplasia is one of those conditions that afflict certain pets. Commonly, it’s associated with large dogs. But the Siamese is somewhat prone to the condition.