Disney cat names are a great source of inspiration – but there are so many! Disney princesses, Disney princes, actual cat characters, cute sidekicks in Disney movies – how on earth do you choose?
The good news is that I have done some of the hard work for you and have reduced the number of potential Disney cat names down based on some sound criteria about what can make for a good cat name.
Naming a cat gives it an individual identity and helps to build a relationship between cat and owner.
It may look like I have broken a rule in that warthogs are not normally seen as the most appealing animal but I think they are very cute. And Pumba is adorable in The Lion King.
Short and sharp and perfect for a male kitty. I feel like his Nordic reindeer style makes this a good fit for Russian breeds like Russian Blues and Siberians.
Don’t we all need a pet chameleon. Such a lovely name – rather French sounding so wonderful for a stylish kitty.
Short, sweet, an inspirational character, yes many will associate it with The Lion King but many won’t, perfect for a long-haired sweety.
A slightly dodgy racoon but such a cute name and luckily it has quite low association with the dodgy racoon. Slightly Japanese sounding – I see this fitting a small sleek kitty.
Snappy and perfect for a Persian and/or Siamese in particular. A princess with attitude. Easily shortened to Duchy without confusion.