9 Reasons Why My Cat Eat My Hair

The Discerning Cat

Every cat owner is aware of how much their cats enjoy grooming.

The Discerning Cat

What happens, though, when your kitty starts grooming you? You don’t need to worry about “why does my cat eat my hair” any longer.

The Discerning Cat

Several possible answers exist regarding why your cat eats or chews your hair. And if you don’t like this behavior or it is getting out of control, there are quite a few ways to discourage their grooming habits

They will lick, bite or rub the other cats in the group to demonstrate their love and affection. Cats particularly like to lick your nose as a way of showing affection.

To Socialize

When your cat feels worried, eating your hair helps calm your cat as it shows its bond with you and claims to you.

To De-stress

Eating or chewing hair in cats can often be linked to thumb-sucking in children. It can be a self-soothing behavior that your cat develops during weaning to help calm and comfort itself.

To Soothe

Your cat may have developed a compulsive chewing disorder if its habit of eating hair grows stronger and occurs more frequently.

Because It Has to

Some common symptoms include an unruly hair coat, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, drinking, and peeing more frequently than usual.

Because It Has an Overactive Thyroid Gland

In general, cats are not drawn to strong, citrus-scented products, but you may be using a hair product that has a gentler aroma that they like.

Because They Enjoy It

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