Surprising Reasons Why Cats Purr Wen You Stroke Them

The Discerning Cat

If your purr-fect little kitty is purring – melodious, vibrating, continuous sounds – it’s a sure sign they’re content.

The Discerning Cat

But, ever wondered, ‘why do cats purr when you stroke them’? Before we dive in, let’s answer the question, ‘how do cats purr’?

The Discerning Cat

Felines purr for a number of reasons. Learning the body language that’s associated with purring can help ensure your furball will continue to enjoy the synergy of stroking her.

Surprising Reasons Why Cats Purr Wen You Stroke Them

More often than not, cats purr when they are relaxed. This usually happens when you stroke them, and in this case, meaning they are happy or are feeling sociable.

They’re in a Happy Mood

They start to purr when they are just a few days old to serve as a contact between kitten and mother and form a bond.

For Kitten-Mother Connection

Purring doesn’t only mean your kitty is a blissful ball of fluff rolling on its back, sending soft rasp vibrations out for your attention. Some cats purr when they are distressed or feeling anxious.

It’s a Sign of Distress

Apart from feeling stressed, our kitties can also purr when they are severely ill, injured, or in pain.

Purr Healing Powers

Our felines may purr when you stroke them because they are feeling overstimulated. Keep an ear out for warning signs like abrasive, loud purring, biting, and other hostile actions.

They’re Overstimulated

Cats can use purring to aid in more ways than one. A ‘solicitation purr’ (combined with a cry or meow) helps your adorable kitty obtain something they want from their human – either food, affection, or to play with a toy.

They’re Purr-Suasive

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