Why Does My Cat’s Tail Shake?

Have you sometimes noticed that your cat, as cute as they are, happens to be standing by the doorway with their tail shaking vigorously? Did it alarm you? Did you wonder what was happening? Why does my cat’s tail shake?

This particular sight may be perplexing if you’re an inexperienced cat owner. Usually, the cat doesn’t seem to be in any other sort of distress. So what is that shaky tail all about?

As is often the case with cats, the explanations for such behavior can have many possibilities. Let’s take a quick look into the causes of that shaky tail and why this is an action cats may be display.

There are two types of shaking or quivering tails to look out for/ you may come across..

When your cat’s tail is pointed straight up and quivering, it is most likely just excited and happy to see you. You will most likely see this at the end of a long day away or even early in the morning when you wake up.

A Straight, Quivering Tail

This is a moment to treasure, as it’s pretty reassuring to you to know that your kitty has missed you. More than that, it’s proof that your cat has affection for you, even though it may deny this through other actions later.

The very tip of the tail will sometimes twitch when your cat has seen something that it is interested in. It may mean that they have spotted a possible prey or item for play.

Tail Tip Twitching

You may notice that its eyes are fixed on something specific. This is usually associated with tension or excitement.

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