Do Siamese Cats Like Water?

What Owners Need to Know

The average cat hates water exposure, so they run away when you try to bathe them. But Siamese cats are unique because they are less likely to avoid you during bath time.

One might go even further by insinuating that they like playing with water.

But do Siamese cats like water? The short answer is yes, they do. Even if they aren’t exactly ecstatic about their monthly bath, it doesn’t mean they don’t like splashing water around when they see a puddle. 

Cats are genetically programmed to hunt down flowing water because there is a higher probability that they won’t get sick or die from drinking it like they would from a dirty puddle.


The first step we recommend is to watch its behavior and actions for a few days; if you are patient, you will get your answer.

3 Ways to Know If Your Siamese Cat Likes Water

They love to see themselves on the mirrorlike surface of their dish. And splashing water all over the place is exciting for naughty felines.

Your Siamese cat often plays with their water bowl

The slippery floor feels comforting on their furry paws, and there are also more water sources than in any other area of the house.

You catch your cat staring at the toilet bowl or recently used bathtubs

Their only goal is to try to catch each drop that falls out with their paw, and they can do this for hours. It’s also a clean source of drinking water that never tastes stale.

Your Siamese cat drinks from the water faucet

There is no reason to stop your cat if they enjoy playing with water. On the contrary, it’s something we think you should encourage by giving your cat easier access to this life source.

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