The Discerning Cat

14 Sleeping Cat Positions and What they Reveal about your Kitty

The range and types of sleeping cat positions seem to be far more extensive than the equivalent for humans.

The Discerning Cat

It made me curious about cat sleeping positions – was there any particular meaning to them?

The Discerning Cat

14 Sleeping Cat Positions

 All Curled Up or the “Crescent”

The reason for this sleeping position is that it maximises warmth for the cat whilst sleeping and protects all its vital organs.

Often when curled up cats will seem to have perfectly curled their back to make a shape that looks like a crescent or even a croissant thus the term Crescent for some curled up positions.

In a Box

Cats are crazy about boxes. Cats sleep in boxes because they offer protection.

A box can be a way to keep deep cover when hunting or to make sure other predators don’t discover them.

Belly Up

This is quite a vulnerable position for your cat so they would only take it whilst asleep if they were completely trusting of their surroundings and the people in them.

Eyes Half Shut

Cats are obviously experts when it comes to sleep. But cats are actually able to snooze with their eyes half open and half closed.

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